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Conservation Meeting Minutes 06/18/2009

Conservation Commission
June 18, 2009

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Keevin Geller, Elizabeth McGrath, Stephen Cremer, Hank Langstroth, and Meredith deCarbonnel were the members present.

8:00 p.m., Peg called for a motion to enter into Executive Session with Attorney Jon Rockwood to discuss pending violation issues:
Hank Langstroth moved. Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

9:35 p.m., Adjourn from Executive Session:
Peg called for a motion to adjourn from Executive Session.
Hank Langstroth moved. Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

9:40 p.m., Old/New Business:

Peg called for a motion to continue the hearing for 25 Meadow Road, until further notified by the Applicant.
Meredith deCarbonnel moved. Elizabeth McGrath seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

Peg explained to the Commission that Roni Thaler from the Selectmen’s Office has been searching for available Town owned land for a Housing Authority project. The potential project involves moving two houses from the Hunter’s Ridge development site to a new location to be utilized for Affordable Housing. Roni Thaler has requested that the Commission review a potential lot located by the driveway of the Hixson Farm property.
The Commission reviewed a G.I.S. Map of the property and determined that an area of concern involves the proximity of a nearby brook and buffer zone to the potential project site.
The Commission agreed to review the DEP regulations concerning their guidelines for a new activity within a previously disturbed Riverfront Area.

Peg called for a motion for permission to send a thank-you note to the Evangelical Baptist Church Group that picked-up litter on Earth Day, and to the Friends of Conservation for hosting their Annual Pot Luck Dinner event.
Hank Langstroth moved. Elizabeth McGrath seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

9:50 p.m., Signatures:

The Commission signed bills.

9:55 p.m., Adjournment:

Peg called for a motion to adjourn.
Hank Langstroth moved. Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. Unanimous.